
Friday, January 13, 2012

Update and Backup

So you got that new computer at home and are ready to go surfing the Internet but first there are some very important things you need to do. The first step is to update windows and then back up. Microsoft makes it simple and easy if you didn't tell the computer to update automatically visit Microsoft's page on updates at this process could take some time to do so you might want to have a good movie to watch while you wait. Might I suggest you go geek and watch Pirates of Silicon Valley. Don't just run the update once and think your done. It may need to run and restart several times. the next thing to do is make a backup and recovery disks. Yes that's right no longer are the computer manufactures including recovery disk you have to make your own. you should find instructions for doing this in your manual. I suggest that you use a USB flash drive (32gb). Now for the backup solutions. there are several ways you can create a backup. every thing from cloud drives to an external HD which solution is best for you depends on what type of work you do on your computer. If you do really important work that you  need to back up everyday you may want to look into an online data storage solution. 

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