
Monday, June 25, 2012

All about the weather

Florida is a beautiful place to live most of the time but there are some days like today that all you can do is stay inside and look out your window and watch it rain sideways. With Tropical Storm Chris looming off our coast we get lost of rain, thunderstorms, and Tornadoes.

There are some very important things you should do for your computer:

 1. Do a backup and take the back up with you if you leave the area. If you are using an external and your not leaving put it some where safe I would put it in a couple layers of Ziploc bags if you can.

2. Shut your computer down and unplug it. Sure you may have the really nice surge protectors but what are you going to do for the few months it will take you to collect on the insurance they have to get a new computer?

3.  It's a good idea to to put your computer, Monitor and printer in heavy duty garbage bags and seal the bags shut. ( don't for get all your extras speaker, keyboard ,  mouse ect...)

4. Stay safe remember its all just stuff and its not worth dying over.

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