
Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Malware uses Mac- and Windows-based malware to snoop on Chinese dissidents.

Just recently  Kaspersky and security firm AlienVault found a new piece of Malware out of China. . It arrives in e-mails that attempt to trick the receiver into installing a new variant of the MaControl backdoor and works on Macs that are powered with processors from Intel, as well as older PowerPC CPUs. They added that the Windows malware they found also uses e-mail-based social engineering to infect users. Once the malware is on your computer it allows the creator of the virus to take control of your computer. The malware has ties to Gh0stRat, a huge malware-based spy network uncovered three years ago that infiltrated government and private offices in 103 countries. So be on your toes and don't open any attachments from people you don't know and even if you do know them talk with the sender to confirm they sent it.

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